
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
~ Dr. Seuss


For those of you that follow my Facebook Page, you already know that I have been a little MIA these past few months. My mom had been battling metastatic breast cancer for the last 5 years and on May 16th that journey ended for her. She made the decision that quality over quantity was more important to her, so I spent as much time as possible helping her with that decision. After her passing I kept my schedule light so I could help my dad transition as well as my family.


Now that the dust has seemed to settle for the time being I am now ready to step into this new normal. Normal is a strange word to me, what the hell is actually normal anymore anyway? Nothing about this experience was normal and I wouldn't have changed it for anything. I prefer awkward, unusual & spontaneous. My brain tells me normal means fitting in, conforming, doing something that doesn't cause a stir or reaction, it's acceptable to others. Yuck. Let's try this again.


Now that the dust has seemed to settle, I am now ready to step into this new level of permission. If this experience with my mom's passing has taught me anything, it's that I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING NORMAL or doing things to please others.


Just before my mom's passing, I had scheduled to do a series on some challenging topics that seem to be on the forefront for so many of us these days. I see that even 2 months later they are still here and more apparent than ever. We are all faced with the opportunity to step away from the normal and instead step into a space that gives you permission to do what feels better, what feels true for you and the life you are wanting to build.


With that in mind, I am now ready to offer my complimentary 4-day Soul Permission Series, and I would love nothing more than to see you join me and begin living a life your Soul would cheer for! 

Here’s how it works:

The series begins on Monday, August 2nd and goes through Thursday, August 5th. Each day I will do a live coaching segment on how to give yourself permission to lead with your soul, focusing on particular areas of your life and the human experience. I will cover the biggies that we struggle with each day and give you permission to show up how you want to, not how you are supposed to. Some of these “biggies” are:

  • Overwhelm That Leads to Self-Sabotage 
  • Guilt & Being Taken Advantage Of
  • Creating Boundaries & Pissing Everyone Off
  • Not Being Enough or Being Too Much

By registering for this free series below, you will then receive an email letting you know when I go live, how to join me, as well as a link to catch the recording.

(*I also heard a rumor there will be a bonus secret session where we go even deeper into some high-level shit you will not want to miss out on. The details of the secret session will only be emailed to those that registered, so make sure you do!)



That’s it! Are you ready to give your Soul permission to take the lead on creating and living the life you’ve known deep down you always could? We need more people willing to step up and step out of the old, boring and broken way of doing this life thing, so that we create a ripple effect of more and more people giving themselves permission to be who they truly are and letting go of the rest of the bullshit we all can’t stand anyway – am I right? That, my friends, is how we create a new normal and a new way of living that is more supportive of the changes we want to see in our world, and it all starts with YOU.

I look forward to seeing you soon! ~ Jules


Meet Julie Boudewyns
Spiritual Mentor, Soul Permission Coach & Master Energy Healer


I have a wicked passion for helping you connect within, because learning & understanding who you are on a soul level is a game changer! I work closely with my team of Angels and Guides to guide you on your soul’s path.


I specialize in helping you open up to your own spiritual gifts, teaching you how energy works in the body & most importantly living from a higher vibration so that your everyday life has more magic and flow. As a Spiritual Mentor & Soul Permission Coach I guided you into living a more aligned life, the life you crave.

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